Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Chemical Peels

Facials seem to be a big hit nowadays in spa's and salons. Yes they feel amazing and leave your skin feeling nice and soft. HOWEVER, do they really have any impact or correct or protect your skin in any way? Probably not.
Facials are a nice fRU fRU way of pampering, but dont look for any improvement in skin texture, acne, or pore size when doing a facial.
The deal is, if it doesnt hurt, its probably not doing much.

Chemical peels on the other hand, are superficial enought that the down time is quick and easy, but aggresive enough to give you results!

A chemical peel, also known as chemexfoliation or derma-peeling, is a technique used to improve the appearance of the skin. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which causes it to "blister" and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. The new skin also is temporarily more sensitive to the sun.

Chemical peels are performed on the face, neck, or hands. They can be used to:
  • Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth
  • Treat minor wrinkles caused by sun damage, aging, and family history
  • Improve the appearance of mild scarring
  • Treat certain types of acne
  • Reduce age spots, freckles, and dark patches due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills (melasma)
  • Improve the look and feel of skin that is dull in texture and color
Areas of sun damage, which may contain pre-cancerous keratoses that appear as scaly spots, may improve after chemical peeling. Following treatment, new pre-cancerous lesions are less likely to appear.

Enough with the smart facts, let me tell you what this does for me..
I get chemicals once a month (when im lucky)  They range from 40%-70%.
Once the acid gets put on my face, i feel BuRNING and TINGLING. It last for abouot 5 minutes and then dies down. The area is then "NEUTROLIZED" and it feels like the "fire was put out".  The immediate results are redness and "frosting".  For 2-3 days My face will peel and be red. Sometimes the acne is more visible during this time.
But once the peeling is done, OMG can you tell the results.
 GLOWY PERFECT FLAWLESS Skin....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It exfoliates and makes it so that my makeup goes on a clean surface, last longer and looks smoother..

Chemical peels at my office are $100. I offer somthing similar to my friends :) for cheaper. 

Here is a picture of me 3 days after my last chemical peel.

1 comment:

  1. Your skin looks flushed and tight in the photo, but I understand it’s a phase of the peeling treatment. It looks noticeably clearer though, with no acne and blemishes. I’m sure it looked pretty fresh and flawless once the redness subsided.

    Dr. Daniel Knight
